Jimmy Petrosino
I was in my teens when I discovered my love for writing. Being able to jot my feelings down on paper I found to be therapeutic. Over time, what started out as a diary of poems turned into a brief stint writing slogans for an urban greeting card company. I moved on from poems to short stories, then screenplays – one screenplay in particular, which I co-wrote, is currently in development with Hollywood producers.
While I love writing poetry and screenplays, my real passion is novels. I take great joy in being able to delve into a character’s psyche, no matter how demented, decide that character’s motives, no matter how sinister, and practically live that character’s journey, no matter how dangerous. The Dean’s List is a perfect example of that.
In the future, I see myself writing a novel inspired by my family’s history – my father, a former member of the bank’s fraud department, came from a long line of decorated New York City police detectives; his great uncle was Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino who has a park in Little Italy named after him.
Being brought up in New Jersey as the youngest of five brothers has definitely shaped me into the person and writer I am today. I work for a family owned business, Mountain Spring Waters of America, a bottled water distributor based in central NJ. As for my next book, I recently finished a young adult thriller about a teenage boy who suffers a near death experience.