
The Pain-Free Back

6 Simple Steps to End Pain and Reclaim Your Active Life

Whether it results from injury, osteoporosis, or an unusually intense weekend golf game, back pain is an all-too-common cause of serious discomfort that can debilitate even your most dedicated effort to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Dr. Harris H. McIlwain has devoted his career to bringing relief to sufferers of back pain and arthritis, and in THE PAIN-FREE BACK, he shares his clinically proven six-step program for achieving and maintaining a healthy back. With Dr. McIlwain as your guide, you’ll be able to identify what’s feeding your pain, and, more important, how to eliminate it without expensive medical procedures. This comprehensive resource includes:

 - Resistance exercises to strengthen your back and ease pain within days of starting the program
 - Tips for losing weight on a low-carb “pain-free” diet that helps control hunger pangs and a guide to healing foods that decrease inflammation and pain
 - Back-friendly alternative therapies that ease pain naturally, as well as touch therapies for soothing various types of back pain
 - Lifestyle changes such as ergonomic computer stations that reduce the stress on your back

Anyone who experiences back pain will find this an essential aid to recovering a full and active life.

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