
The Descent of Man (Diversion Classics)

Considered one of the most significant pieces of his life’s work, Charles Darwin’s The Descent of Man forever shaped our understanding of human evolution.

Picked apart in 1871 for its controversial content, Darwin’s findings explore two essential facets of evolutionary theory: natural selection and sexual selection. Pointing to undeniable anatomical, mental, and social similarities, Darwin asserts not just that all races of humanity share a single origin, but that we share common ancestors with other animals and have evolved in similar ways. Under sexual selection, he argues that females choosing among competing males has determined our differentiating racial characteristics.

Though aspects of Descent have been met with contention to this day, this book is a must-read for anyone curious about humanity and its origin.

Featuring an appendix of discussion questions, this Diversion Classics edition is ideal for use in book groups and classrooms.

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