Carlo D’Este
Carlo D’Este is a military historian, biographer, lecturer, consultant and book reviewer for the New York Times, Washington Post and other publications. His books include Decision in Normandy (1983); Bitter Victory: ‘The Battle for Sicily, 1943 (1988); World War II in the Mediterranean, (1990) and Fatal Decision: Anzio and the Battle for Rome (1991); and three biographies: Patton: A Genius For War, HarperCollins (1995); Eisenhower: A Soldier’s Life, Henry Holt (2002); and Warlord: A Life of Winston Churchill at War, HarperCollins (2008). All of his books have been selections of the BOMC/Bookspan and published in the U.K., and some in foreign countries. A&E adapted Patton to television for its Biography series in 1995. In addition to television appearances on C-Span, Fox News Channel and the History Channel, D’Este has lectured at the U.S. Army Command & General Staff College, the National War College, and is an annual visitor to the U.S. Army War College military history program. He served as an advisor to President Clinton upon the occasion of his 1994 visit to Italy, England and Normandy to commemorate the 50th anniversary of World War II events; and from 1994-1997 was a member of the Department of the Army Historical Advisory Committee. He is the 2010 winner of the Andrew J. Goodpaster Prize awarded by the American Veterans Center. Also in 2010 he delivered the prestigious Kemper Lecture on Churchill at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri. In 2011 D’Este received the Pritzker Military Museum and Library Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing.